Service for Irrigation
For any individual or business wishing to acquire electric service for irrigation, prior approval from the Forked Deer Electric Department Engineering Department is required. In order to process your application, the following requirments must be met:
- Customer (or installer representing the customer) will fill out a Request for Irrigation Service form.
- Customer (or installer representing the customer) will meet with a Forked Deer Electric Cooperative representative at the proposed irrigation site with a copy of the completed form.
- Forked Deer Electric Cooperative representative will gather all field data necessary for Engineering Department.
- Engineering Department will perform an analysis of the data to determine approval.
- If approved, any "Aid to Construction" (ATC) costs are to be paid prior to Forked Deer Electric Department beginning the project.
Here are some guidelines to follow when completing your designs:
- All wells 25 Horsepower or larger connected to single-phase primary shall have a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) as their motor starting component.
- All single-phase and three-phase are subject to Engineering approval.
- If the service voltage at the point of delivery (not the wellhead) is deemed acceptable (114-126V on 120V scale or 456-504V on 480V scale) and the customer or installer requests the voltage to be raised, the customer/owner may be required to sign a waiver releasing Forked Deer Electric Cooperative of any liability associated with damage occuring as the result of overvoltage.
- After approval, if the irrigation design load is increased, Forked Deer Electric Cooperative must be notified and the new load must be approved. Forked Deer Electric Cooperative will not be obligated to connect it to the system. Forked Deer Electric Cooperative will hold the customer/owner to the irrigation specs supplied on the form.